Quality and Quantity
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
Call for Papers for a Special Issues on
“Data Analysis and Classification in the Big Data era”
The Program Committee encourages authors of the best papers to submit an extended version for possible publication in the journal Quality & Quantity, International Journal of Methodology, edited by Springer, and Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, the American Statistical Association Data Science journal, published by Wiley. The special issues on “Data Analysis and Classification in the Big Data era” aim at collecting high quality research papers presented at the CLADAG 2015 Conference in Pula (Cagliari, Italy). Topics covered in these papers should be in line with the Aims and Scope of the journal and will undergo a regular review process. The special issues intend to share the debate on these topics with the entire scientific community.
The interest is on both methodological aspects and applications in different fields. However, the main focus of the special issues is in correlating disciplines such as mathematics and statistics with social sciences, and economics in particular and, therefore, papers with no applications will not be considered for publication.
Alternatively, authors can submit the paper to the ISSN indexed volume included in the Series “Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization” edited by Springer, to be released in 2016. Please, note that also in this case all full papers will undergo a regular reviewing process. See the link for more information.
Guest editors:
- Paolo Giudici, University of Pavia, paolo.giudici@unipv.it
- Francesca Greselin, Bicocca University of Milan, francesca.greselin@unimib.it
- Brendan Murphy, School of Mathematical Sciences, University College Dublin, brendan.murphy@ucd.ie
- Carla Rampichini, University of Florence, rampichini@disia.unifi.it
Deadline and Review process:
Authors have to communicate their interest by submitting a paper to the Guest editors by November 30, 2015. In the submission they should indicate to which journal they intend to submit. Authors who intend to submit their paper to the Springer book proceedings cannot submit their paper to these special issues.
- Notification to authors after reviewing: 30 days after submission (tentative)
- On-line first publication as soon as possible.