Abstacts have to be submitted through the “Registration and submission” section of this website.
New deadline for submission of the final version of (4 pages) abstract is 15 July 2015.
All abstracts must NOT exceed four (4) pages (incl. references).
Abstract can be written in LaTeX or MsWord format according to the Cladag2015 abstract template:
Abstract Template in LATeX (new version): TemplateCladag2015
Abstract Template in MsWord (new version): Cladag2015_template
Author(s) are required to either:
a) upload in a compressed zip file the LateX source file (filename.tex) together with the file used for bibliography (filename.bib) and the file(s) concerning figures in pdf (filename figure.pdf) if present;
b) in case MSWord is used, it is required to upload the revised version of the .doc file only.
Authors of papers to be presented in specialized or solicited sessions can fill the “Remark” field in the Submission form accessible through “Registration and Submission” and specify the name and/or the organizer of the session.