The Program Committee encourages authors of the best papers to submit an extended version for possible publication in:
– Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal edited by Wiley
– Quality & Quantity edited by Springer.
Both journals will offer the possibility to publish a Special Selection of the best 10-15 papers presented at CLADAG 2015. Topics covered in these papers should be in line with the Aims and Scope of the journal and will undergo a regular review process.
The Program Committee members are currently negotiating with Editors of other top journals in Statistics and Data Analysis to check for the possibility of publishing other Special Selections. Updated information about the post-conference publication options will be provided soon.
Alternatively, authors of accepted papers may submit a full paper, which will be published in the Springer Series “Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization” to be released in 2016. Please note that all full papers will also undergo a regular reviewing process.