CLADAG PROGRAM October 8, 2015

08.00 – 09. 00   REGISTRATION

09.00 – 09. 30   OPENING CEREMONY

09.30 – 10. 20   KEY1   KEYNOTE1 – Chair: N. Torelli         Nautilus Room

Mining Text Networks   D. Banks

10.20 – 10. 50   COFFEE BREAK

10.50 – 12. 05   SPEC1 Robust methods for the analysis of Economic (Big) data         Nautilus Room

Chair: S. Salini – Discussant: L.A. Gracìa-Escudero

Fast and Robust Seemingly Unrelated Regression – M. Hubert, T. Verdonck, O. Yorulmaz

Application to the detection of customs fraud of the goodness-of-fit testing for the Newcomb-Benford law – A. Cerioli, L. Barabesi, A. Cerasa, D. Perrotta

Monitoring the robust analysis of a single multivariate sample – M. Riani, A. Atkinson, A. Cerioli

10.50 – 12. 05   SPEC2 Bayesian nonparametric clustering         Cyprea Room

Chair: R. Rotondi – Discussant: M. Trevisani

A Bayesian nonparametric approach to model association between clusters of SNPs and disease responses – R. Argiento, A. Guglielmi, C.K. Hsiao, F. Ruggeri, C. Wang

A Bayesian nonparametric model for clustering and borrowing information – B. Nipoti, A. Lijoi, I. Pruenster

Sequential clustering based on Dirichlet process priors – S. Tonellato, R. Casarin, A. Pastore

12.05 – 13. 05   SOL1 Advances in Density-based clustering         Nautilus Room

Chair: F. Greselin

A nonparametric clustering method for image segmentation – G. Menardi

Robust clustering for heterogeneous skew data – A. Mayo Iscar, L.A. Garcìa-Escudero, F. Greselin

Regularizing finite mixtures of Gaussian distributions – B. Grün, G. Malsiner-Walli

12.05 – 13. 05   SOL2 Latent variable models for longitudinal data – Part I         Cyprea Room

Chair: S. Bacci

A joint model for longitudinal and survival data based on an AR(1) latent process – S. Pandolfi, S. Bacci, F. Bartolucci

Finite mixture models for mixed data: EM algorithms and PARAFC representations – M. Alfò, P. Giordani

On the use of the contaminated Gaussian distribution in Hidden Markov models for longitudinal data – A. Punzo, A. Maruotti

12.05 – 13. 05   CONTR1 Functional data analysis         Astrea Room

Chair: C. Weihs

A generalized distance for inference on functional data – A. Ghiglietti, A.M. Pagagnoni

Long gaps in multivariate spatio-temporal data: an approach based on Functional Data Analysis – A. Plaia, M. Ruggeri, F. Di Salvo

Effects on curve clustering of different transformations of chronological textual data – M. Trevisani, A. Tuzzi

12.05 – 13. 05   CONTR2 Robustness and data diagnostics I           Alvania Room

Chair: A. Cerioli

A note on the reliability of a classifier – L. Frigau

Robust classification for multivariate functional data – F. Ieva, A.M. Pagagnoni

Size control of robust regression estimators – S. Salini, A. Cerioli, F. Laurini, M. Riani

13.05 – 14. 30   LUNCH

14.30 – 15. 30   SOL3 Latent variable models for longitudinal data – Part II          Nautilus Room

Chair: F. Bartolucci

A hidden Markov approach to the analysis of incomplete multivariate longitudinal data – F. Lagona

Latent Markov and Growth Mixture models: a comparison – F. Pennoni, I. Romeo

Latent worths and longitudinal paired comparisons – a Markov model of dependence – B. Francis, A. Grans, R. Dittrich

14.30 – 15. 30   SOL4 Multivariate data analysis in environmental sciences         Cyprea Room

Chair: R. Argiento

Multivariate downscaling for non-Gaussian data – L. Paci, D. Cocchi, C. Trivisano

Multivariate spatio temporal models for large datasets and joint exposure to airborne multipollutants in Europe – A. Fassò, F. Finazzi, F. Ndongo

Clustering macroseismic fields by statistical data depth functions – R. Rotondi, C. Agostinelli, E. Varini

14.30 – 15. 30   CONTR3 Data Mining           Astrea Room

Chair: P. Mariani

The movements of emotions: an exploratory classification on affective movement data – P. Dente, A. Kappas, A.F.X. Wilhelm

Electre tri-machine learning approach to the record linkage problem – V. Minnetti, R. De Leone

Quality of Classification approaches for the quantitative analysis of international conflict – A.F.X. Wilhelm

14.30 – 15. 30   CONTR4 Clustering models        Alvania Room

Chair: F. Leisch

The rtclust Procedure for Robust Clustering – F. Dotto, A. Farcomeni, L.A. Garcìa-Escudero, A. Mayo-Iscar

What are the true clusters? – C. Hennig

A novel model-based clustering approach for massive datasets of spatially registered time series. With application to sea surface temperature remote sensing data – F. Finazzi, M. Scott

15.30 – 16. 45   SPEC3 Causal Inference with Complex Data Structures          Nautilus Room

Chair: A. Mattei – Discussant: L. Grilli

A novel model-based clustering approach for massive datasets of spatially registered time series. With application to sea surface temperature remote sensing data – M. Baccini, A. Mattei, F. Mealli

Identification and Estimation of Causal Mechanisms in Clustered Encouragement Designs: Disentangling Bed Nets using Bayesian Principal Stratification – L. Forastiere, F. Mealli, T. Van der Weele

The effects of a dropout prevention program on secondary students ’ outcomes – A. Mattei, E. Conti, S. Duranti, F. Mealli, N. Sciclone

15.30 – 16. 45   SPEC4 Clustering in time series         Cyprea Room

Chair: M. La Rocca – Discussant: P. Coretto

Probabilistic boosted-oriented clustering of time series – R. Siciliano, A. D’Ambrosio, G. Frasso, C. Iorio

Copula-based fuzzy clustering of time series – F. Durante, P. D’Urso

Comparing multi-step ahead forecasting functions for time series clustering – M. Corduas, G. Ragozini

16.45 – 17. 15   COFFEE BREAK

17.15 – 18. 15   SOL5 Advanced models for tourism analysis         Nautilus Room

Chair: S. Mignani

Analysing territorial heterogeneity in tourists’ satisfaction towards Italian destinations – C. Bernini, A. Cerqua, G. Pellegrini

Micro-economc determinants of Tourist Expenditure: a Quantile Regression Approach – E. Marrocu, R. Paci, A. Zara

Inequalities and tourism consumption behaviour: a mixture model analysis – M.F. Cracolici, C. Bernini, C. Viroli

17.15 – 18. 15   SOL6 Bayesian Networks and Graphical Models in Socio-Economic Sciences           Cyprea Room

Chair: P. Vicard

Bayesian Networks for Firm Performance Evaluation – C. Tarantola, M.E. De Giuli, P. Gottardo, A.M. Moisello

Graphical model using copula for measurement error modeling – D. Marella, P. Vicard

17.15 – 18. 15   CONTR5 Big Data Analysis         Astrea Room

Chair: C. Conversano

Big Data Classification: Simulations in the many features case – C. Weihs

From Big Data to information: statistical issues through examples – S. Signorelli, S. Biffignandi

Big data meet pharmaceutical industry: an application on social media data – P. Mariani, C. Liberati

17.15 – 18. 15   CONTR6 Discrimination and Classification         Alvania Room

Chair: B. Grün

Defining the subjects distance in hierarchical cluster analysis by copula approach – M. Nai Ruscone, A. Bonanomi, S.A. Osmetti

Supervised classification of defective crankshafts by image analysis – J. Tarrío Saavedra, B. Remeseiro, M. Francisco Fernández, M. González Penedo, S. Naya, R. Cao

Archetypal analysis for data-driven prototype identification – G. Ragozini, F. Palumbo, M.R. D’Esposito

18.30 – 20. 00   WELCOME COCKTAIL