Getting around in Cagliari
You must have a ticket before you get on a bus. Tickets can be bought at newsstands, at the tobacconist’s, at ticket vending machines on Piazza Matteotti and at CTM Point in Viale Trieste 139.
A single ticket costs € 1.20 and is valid for an hour and a half on any bus, except route no. 9. A full-day ticket costs € 3 and is valid for unlimited rides on buses until midnight of the day it was first validated. A block of twelve tickets costs € 12 and each ticket is valid 90 minutes on any buses, except route no. 9.
For further information, please visit:
CTM website:
PDF downloadable map of the bus network:
Interactive Google Maps bus network:
Strada Statale (SS) 131 connects Sassari in the north of Sardinia and Cagliari in the south and is the island’s major highway. As you near the city of Cagliari, follow the signs for “Cagliari centro”. On arriving at the traffic lights in Piazza Matteotti, turn left into Largo Carlo Felice and carry on until you reach Piazza Yenne. Continue climbing up along Via Cammino Nuovo and at the end of the road, in the corner of Via Cammino Nuovo and Via San Giorgio, you will find the Faculty of Humanities. Although there are numerous parking places near the Faculty, driving in Cagliari is ill-advised because of the severe lack of parking places and the narrow, hilly roads of the city centre.
For further information about the Conference venue, please visit