

Click here to read the conference program

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Conference schedule at a glance

Friday June 1st and Saturday June 2nd 2018
VeRoLog PhD School

Sunday June 3rd 2018
16:00 – Registration and advised visit at the Archaeological Museum
19:30 – Welcome reception

Monday June 4th 2018
Opening session
Parallel sessions
Coffee break
Parallel sessions
Parallel sessions
Coffee break
Parallel sessions
Guided visit in the historical neighborhoods of Cagliari

Tuesday June 5th 2018
Parallel sessions
Coffee break
Parallel sessions
Announcement of Odysseus 2021
Guided visit at the Nuraghe of Barumini
Typical dinner

Wednesday June 6th 2018
Parallel sessions
Coffee break
Parallel sessions
Take-away lunch
A tour in some wonderful seashores of south Sardinia. Guided visit in the old city of Nora.

Thursday June 7th 2018
Parallel sessions
Coffee break
Parallel sessions
Parallel sessions
Coffee break
Parallel sessions
Conference Dinner

Friday June 8th 2018
Parallel sessions
Coffee break
Parallel sessions
Parallel sessions
Coffee break
Parallel sessions
Closing session

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