Plenary and Invited speakers


A view of Poetto beach

Plenary Speakers:

Prof. Jonathan  Steed (University of Durham, UK)

“Supramolecular Gels and How to Think about Them (concepts, characterization techniques and applications)”

Prof. Michaele Hardie (University of Leeds, UK)

“Crystallographic characterisation of large metallo-supramolecular assemblies”

Prof. Ivan Huc (University of Munich, Germany)

“Aromatic foldamers: engineering molecular shape (solid phase synthesis, crystallogenesis, and single crystal x-ray diffraction)”

Prof. Valèrie Heitz (University of Strasbourg, France)

“Supramolecular switchable cages from design to functional systems with the help of various techniques to characterize the systems and solve problems”

Prof. Luisa De Cola (University of Milano, Italy)

“Seeing is believing: how to visualize self-assembly processes”

Invited Speakers:

Prof. Valeria Amendola (University of Pavia, Italy)

“Azacryptands: versatile molecular cages for recognition and separation processes”

Prof. Laura Rodriguez (University of Barcelona, Spain)

Supramolecular assemblies and luminescence of gold and platinum organometallic complexes

Prof. Ross Forgan (University of Glasgow, UK)

“Tuning properties and functionality in the modulated self-assembly of metal-organic frameworks”

Prof. Luca Prodi (University of Bologna, Italy)

Dye doped silica nanoparticles as photoactive organized systems for nanomedicine

Prof. Kay Severin (EPFL, Switzerland)

Construction and Destruction of Coordination Cages

Dr Hennie Valkinier (University of Brussels, Belgium)

“Monitoring transmembrane transport of ions using fluorescence spectroscopy”












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