



We are pleased to announce that the

1st Women in Supramolecular Chemistry (WISC) workshop:

an introduction to Supramolecular Chemistry techniques for early stage career researchers

will be held in a blended modality in
Cagliari, on the 6th-8th September 2021

This workshop is part of the activity of the Women in Supramolecular Chemistry Network (WISC) whose main aim is to increase diversity within the International Supramolecular Chemistry community. WISC have partnered with the Royal Society of Chemistry’s virtual Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (vMASC) seminar series to facilitate holding the workshop in a blended modality. Therefore, we are delighted to enable delegates to participate either in person or virtually. Whether you join in Cagliari in presence or online, the aims of the workshop are to:

– provide an introduction to standard experimental techniques used by the Supramolecular Chemistry community.

– provide a mentoring framework for young researchers, particularly women.

– initiate collaborations and peer group connections.

– promote inclusion and diversity within the Supramolecular Chemistry community through participation of diverse young researchers.

We hope you will be able to join the WISC and vMASC communities at this event and enjoy the stimulating scientific program. We strongly encourage the participation of young scientists who will actively disseminate their results in oral and poster presentations.

The number of participants in presence is fixed to 70. 

There is no limit to the number of online participants.

The conference is organized under the patronage of the University of Cagliari (http://www.unica.it/) and the Department of Chemical and Geological Science (http://dipartimenti.unica.it/scienzechimicheegeologiche/ ) of the University of Cagliari. The meeting will take place in presence in  Cagliari and online (platform to be announced).

Scientific Committee:

Claudia Caltagirone – UniCA

Jennifer Hiscock – University of Kent

Anna McConnell-University of Kiel

Cally Haynes- UCL

Local Organizing committee:

Claudia Caltagirone – UniCA

Vito Lippolis – UniCA

Carla Aragoni – UniCA

Alessandra Garau – UniCA

Greta De Filippo – UniCA

Giacomo Picci – UniCA

vMASC Core Committee:

Timothy Barendt – University of Birmingham

Rob Elmes – Maynooth University

Steve Goldup-University of Southampton

Chris Hawes – University of Keele

Cally Haynes – University College London

Jennifer Hiscock – University of Kent

Robert Laverick- University of Bormingham

James Lewis – Imperial College London

Anna McConnell – University of Kiel

Charlie McTernan – The Francis Crick Institute and King’s College London

Andrew Surman – King’s College London





  • May 30th, 2021 : Deadline for in presence registration
  • June 1st, 2021 : Opening online registration
  • June 15th, 2021 : Deadline for the payment of the registration fees
  • August 2nd, 2021: Deadline for oral and poster abstract presentation
  • August 22nd, 2021: Deadline for online registration



Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information: wiscworkshop@unica.it

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