Cassini Symposium 2024


We are pleased to announce that the CassiniSymposium2024

How Supramolecular Chemistry can tackle global challenges? A 1-day Italian-French Symposium

will be held in

Santa Margherita di Pula (Cagliari) on May 31st, 2024

in connection with the 2nd International Supramolecular Chemistry Summer School,  and it will last one day.

The scientific program will be articulated in two sessions covering different aspects, from the development of innovative materials to sustainable processes.   The present symposium aims to combine different and innovative approaches to face global challenges. The event will be open to Academic staff, Ph.D students, and PDRA working in the field of supramolecular chemistry.
The connection of the symposium to the summer school will allow to offer an extended program to the attendees of the school on the different approaches to face the global challenges that a supramolecular chemist should take into account nowadays. 

The number of participants in presence is fixed to 45. 


      IMPORTANT DATES (deadlines have been both postponed)

  • May 20th, 2024 : Deadline for the registration and payment of the registration fees
  • April 22nd, 2024: Deadline for abstract presentation

    The Symposium is organized under the patronage and the strong support of the French Institut in Italy, the French Embassy in Italy, the Department of Chemical and Geological Science ( ) of the University of Cagliari, and the INSTM (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali).

    It will be possible for young researchers to present their research through flash oral communications and/or poster, so please download the abstract template and send it to

    Download here the Abstract_template_Cassini2024.

    ATTENTION: Abstract  submission  will be considered only after payment of registration fees

    (Please save the file as Name_Family Name_OC and send it by email to:

    The deadline for abstract submission will be May 22nd, 2024.


    Registration fees are fixed to 40 € for attendees not registered to the 2nd International Supramolecular Chemistry Summer School (the fees will cover the cost of lunch and coffee breaks). To register send an email to


Confirmed Symposium Invited speakers:

Giulio Ragazzon – University of Strasbourg 

Francesca D’Anna – University of Palermo

Henri-Pierre J. de Rouville – University of Strasbourg

Cristina Carucci – University of Cagliari

Andrea Porcheddu – University of Cagliari

Giulia Salluce – PSL Universitè Paris

Luca Conti – University of Florence

Julia Contreras-Garcia Sorbonne University


Organizing Committee:

Giacomo Picci – University of Cagliari

Giulio Ragazzon – University of Strasbourg



Download the Scientific Programme here

Cassini Symposium 2024_Program

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information:





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