

The meeting will take place at The Flamingo Resort Hotel (

The Flamingo Resort Hotel is located in Santa Margherita di Pula approximately 40 km from Cagliari and about 43 kilometers from Cagliari-Elmas. The hotel is right in the km 33,800 of the strada statale 195 Sulcitana.

Address:  SS 195, Km 33,800 – 09010 Santa Margherita di Pula (Cagliari).
Tel: +39 070 9208361
Fax:  +39 070 9208359


A number of rooms were pre-booked in the conference site and they will be guaranteed for bookings made before April 10th, 2024.
Make sure to finalize your room booking as soon as possible.
Hotel Flamingo Resorts room prices for the conference attendees in the period 26th May – 30th  May 2024 are:

Room prices  (breakfast included)

Type of room

Double (per person per night)

Single (per night)

Deluxe 4 stars



Standard 4 stars




To make a room reservation at the conference rate, please fill in the attached Accomodation-booking-form-2nd international Supramolecular Chemistry Summer School

Please note that rates are valid only for conference attendees or accompanying persons who have paid the registration fees


 Posted by at 6:53
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