All posts by francescamocci


The event is organized under the patronage of the Department of Chemistry and Geology,  the Department of Physics and the Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering of the University of Cagliari and that of the COSY COST ACTION CA21101 – CONFINED MOLECULAR SYSTEMS: FROM A NEW GENERATION OF MATERIALS TO THE STARS (COSY)

Invited Speakers and Contributors

  • Prof. Xiaohua Lu
  • Prof. Feng Lu
  • Prof. Liwen Mu
  • Msc  Jian Cao
  • Prof. Xiaoyan Ji
  • Prof. Aatto Laaksonen
  • Dr Leon De Villiers Engelbrecht
  • Msc Narcis Cibotariu
  • Dr Cristina Carucci
  • Dr Nicola Melis
  • Prof Luca Pilia
  • Prof Flaminia Cesare Marincola
  • Msc Aamir Saaed
  • Prof Andrea Salis
  • Prof Carlo Maria Carbonaro
  • Prof Francesca Mocci
  • Dr Chiara Olla
  • Prof Maria Francesca Casula
  • Dr Antonio Cappai
  • Dr Davide Tocco
  • Bsc Giulia Olla
  • Msc Monica Mura
  • Msc Michela Tozzi


Organizing and Scientific Committees


  • Francesca Mocci 
  • Carlo Maria Carbonaro 
  • Maria Francesca Casula 
  • Chiara Olla 
  • Luca Pilia 
  • Andrea Salis

Scientific Committee 

  • Aatto Laaksonen 
  • Francesca Mocci 
  • Carlo Maria Carbonaro 
  • Flaminia Cesare Marincola 
  • XiaoYan Ji 
  • Leon Engelbrecht 


1st Italian Chinese Swedish workshop
on “Modeling and Characterization of Complex Systems”


9:00     Registration + Coffee & Hanging up Poster 

10:00   Welcome and opening

10:10   Xiaohua Lu “Re-engineering towards carbon neutrality and with AI in future development.”

10:30   Carlo M. Carbonaro “Carbon Dots structure and optical properties: experimental and theoretical approach”

10:50   Xiaoyan Ji      “Modelling Complex Systems”

11:10   Flaminia Cesare Marincola   “Metabolomics: A Comprehensive Approach to Understanding Biological Systems“

11:30   Chiara Olla   “Green Emissive Carbon Dots: Controlled Synthesis and Enhanced Properties Using Mesoporous Silica Matrices”

11:50  Luca Pilia     Heteroleptic metal complexes as chromophores for nonlinear optical materials

12:10  Leon de Villiers Engelbrecht “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Pseudo-Binary Mixtures of Ethaline with Water or Methanol”

12:30   Lunch

13:40   Francesca Mocci “Exploring the Aggregation Dynamics and Optical Properties of L-Lysine in Aqueous Solutions”

14:00   Jian Cao “Murry’s law at nano scale”

14:20   Aatto Laaksonen “On the role of restrained water in biology – muscle contraction as example”

14:40   Liwen Mu “Green Biomass Based Lubricating Material’s Design and Application”

15:00   Cristina Carucci “Effects of buffers on lipid nanoparticles (LNP) core structure on mRNA transfection efficiency”

15:20   Coffee Break

15:50   Feng Lu   “Chinese education system”

16:10   Maria Francesca Casula  “Characterization of nanocomposite porous catalysts”

16:30   Nicola Melis  “Cobalt Complexes As Homogeneous Electrocatalysts For CO2 Reduction: An Experimental And Computational Study”

16:50   Davide Tocco “A Green Approach to Encapsulate Proteins and Enzymes Within MOFs: Focusing on proteins location and conformation”

17:10   Poster session and coffee break

18:30   Closing remarks

19:00   Transfer to social dinner

19:30   Dinner