
1st Italian Chinese Swedish workshop
on “Modeling and Characterization of Complex Systems”


9:00     Registration + Coffee & Hanging up Poster 

10:00   Welcome and opening

10:10   Xiaohua Lu “Re-engineering towards carbon neutrality and with AI in future development.”

10:30   Carlo M. Carbonaro “Carbon Dots structure and optical properties: experimental and theoretical approach”

10:50   Xiaoyan Ji      “Modelling Complex Systems”

11:10   Flaminia Cesare Marincola   “Metabolomics: A Comprehensive Approach to Understanding Biological Systems“

11:30   Chiara Olla   “Green Emissive Carbon Dots: Controlled Synthesis and Enhanced Properties Using Mesoporous Silica Matrices”

11:50  Luca Pilia     Heteroleptic metal complexes as chromophores for nonlinear optical materials

12:10  Leon de Villiers Engelbrecht “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Pseudo-Binary Mixtures of Ethaline with Water or Methanol”

12:30   Lunch

13:40   Francesca Mocci “Exploring the Aggregation Dynamics and Optical Properties of L-Lysine in Aqueous Solutions”

14:00   Jian Cao “Murry’s law at nano scale”

14:20   Aatto Laaksonen “On the role of restrained water in biology – muscle contraction as example”

14:40   Liwen Mu “Green Biomass Based Lubricating Material’s Design and Application”

15:00   Cristina Carucci “Effects of buffers on lipid nanoparticles (LNP) core structure on mRNA transfection efficiency”

15:20   Coffee Break

15:50   Feng Lu   “Chinese education system”

16:10   Maria Francesca Casula  “Characterization of nanocomposite porous catalysts”

16:30   Nicola Melis  “Cobalt Complexes As Homogeneous Electrocatalysts For CO2 Reduction: An Experimental And Computational Study”

16:50   Davide Tocco “A Green Approach to Encapsulate Proteins and Enzymes Within MOFs: Focusing on proteins location and conformation”

17:10   Poster session and coffee break

18:30   Closing remarks

19:00   Transfer to social dinner

19:30   Dinner